Officieele aankondiging van het overlijden van zijn Eminentie
Kardinaal Peter Poreku Dery,
emeritus Bisschop van Wa en Tamale.

Wie was Rev. Peter Dery? Hommage van Martien Balemans. klik hier.

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(in engels en frans)


The Archbishop of Tamale, Most Rev, Gregory Ebo Kpiebaya, the Priests, Religious, Laity and the Poreku family regret to announce the death of His Eminence Peter Poreku Dery, Archbishop Emeritus of Tamale, which event occurred on Independence Day, 6th March 2008 at 6.20 p.m. He was 89.
May he rest in perfect peace.

The funeral arrangements are as follows:

Monday 31st March 2008
4.00 p.m. - Transfer of Body from the morgue to OLA Cathedral, For reception
5.00 p.m. - Vigil Mass (presente corpore) at Jubilee Park followed by other mortuary rites.

Tuesday 1st April 2008 (Jubilee Park) 06.30a.m. - Morning Prayer for the dead
07.00 a.m. - File pass
10.30 a.m. - Requiem Mass followed by Final Commendation and Committal at OLA Cathedral.

Thank you for being with us in the bereavement of our beloved father, pastor and leader.
Please let us know in advance whether you are coming.

Most Rev. Gregory E. Kpiebaya
Archbishop of Tamale


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